ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.

We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.

[HowTo] Project Documents and Project Files

Added by Chili Fan at 2012-07-31 06:08 pm

I did searched to figure out Documents purpose of project, I added files for both User and Technical Documentation and selected a "Watcher"
I noticed those files are get stored into databasee of ChiliProject therefore a file limit of 5MB is set per file, don't know if it has also a Space file limit for the whole "Documents" section, i noticed uploading empty files is unallowed that is good

I think general the pupose is to store a couple of small Raw files directly related to project for some reason to be usefull

What is purpose of a "Watcher" receive an email when a document gets deleted or added ?
i did not receive any message for those actions for the "Watchers"

Can we add as many files as we want ?

Can we increase the 05MB upload limit of any file ?

Could it be usefull to have a ddMB upload limit of for the whole Documents section which also can be increased or decreased if needed ?

Replies (3)

RE: [HowTo] Project Documents - Added by Holger Just at 2012-07-31 06:26 pm

Chili Fan wrote:

I noticed those files are get stored into databasee of ChiliProject

The actual files are stored on disk, not in the database. The default location is in the files directory of your ChiliProject installation

therefore a file limit of 5MB is set per file

The maximim attachment size can be configured under More -> Administration -> Settings -> General -> Attachment max. size. Depending on the webserver you use, you might have to configure this one too to allow larger uploads (e.g. when using Nginx)

don't know if it has also a Space file limit for the whole "Documents" section

No, each attachment has its own size limit.

What is purpose of a "Watcher" receive an email when a document gets deleted or added ?

The default configuration only sends notifications for a subset of all available events. See Administration -> Settings -> Email notifications.

Can we add as many files as we want ?


Can we increase the 05MB upload limit of any file ?

See above.

*Could it be usefull to have a ddMB upload limit of for the whole Documents section which also can be increased or decreased if needed ?

I don't see a real usecase for that.

RE: [HowTo] Project Documents - Added by Chili Fan at 2012-07-31 06:56 pm

Hi Holger

Thanks for all answer i found them now (i overlooked them first), now i understand the "Watcher" only for file gets added at Project Documents (maybe introduce delete too) i received the file add notify messaage

Very nice the Files gets stored on Disk, (i asked this due i delete file from upload location still file can be downloaded)

RE: [HowTo] Project Documents and ProjectFiles - Added by Chili Fan at 2012-07-31 08:20 pm


Is it an idea to store Files at files folder in a more structured way, by First creating a FolderName: "project-id" if this Folder UnExist ?
The "project-id" can be used i think in all cases due it't policy is it never gets changed

Is it supported that multiple users can download files at the same time by multiple threads at server side ?

At CP Files i noticed a Container icon by label 3.3.0 has been placed (Nice) how can this be done ?

This Container label links to Roadmap how can we activate Roadmap ?
I checked all permissions but Roadmap still not displayed

