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Turn on/off the if the start date will autofill by default (Feature #355)

Added by Peter Olson at 2011-04-27 02:20 pm. Updated at 2011-10-14 08:21 pm.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:Issue tracking
Target version:2.3.0
Remote issue URL: Affected version:


Here is a pretty simple patch:

Makes is so you can turn off the default "feature" of auto-filling today's date in the start date.

Associated revisions

Revision aac42afd
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2011-10-02 10:02 pm

Add setting to set today as the start date for new issues. #355

Patch contributed by Bruno Medeiros on


Updated by Felix Schäfer at 2011-08-22 07:54 pm

I'll see if we can add this to 2.3.0, it's probably too late for 2.2.0.

  • Target version set to 2.3.0
  • Category set to Issue tracking

Updated by Márton Danóczy at 2011-09-28 08:15 am

It would be great if this could be included in 2.3.0, the default behaviour is quite a nuisance.

Updated by Felix Schäfer at 2011-10-02 08:07 pm

I've changed the default behavior to be the same as today, committed in aac42af.

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Updated by Mischa The Evil at 2011-10-14 08:21 pm

Felix Schäfer wrote:

[...] committed in aac42af.

Good to see this made it into the ChiliProject core.

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