ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.
We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.
Please enhance the installation experience
Added by Anton Pham at 2011-10-25 02:57 pm
After spending almost 24 hours trying to install redmine (without success) i turned over to this project in the hope that the installation experience is easier. But it turns out to be just as difficult.
First, I admit that i come from a Windows background and therefore do have some certain expectations when installing software. But since I'm new to Linux I'm willing to give it a shot. I' m trying to install on CentOS 6 but from the Installation page there is dependency after dependency - Dependency Hell! And after that there's versioning hell - Take a look at the "Required Ruby Libraries" as an example. On top of all that there's a bunch of warnings and support messages. Simply put I'm lost and totally frustrated since the product looks very promising and it's something that we would like to adopt within our organisation.
Can you guys make an extra effort to simplify the installation as much as possible? I can imagine that this must be a huge barrier for people to adopt and embrace your software. I am a "technical" person myself (5 years experience as a .Net developer) and i find it a huge struggle to get ChiliProject up and running.
Or is there a ChiliProject package that can be installed via yum which can pull all the correct dependencies, versions and make all the necessary configuration changes?
A frustrated customer.
Replies (4)
RE: Please enhance the installation experience
Added by kiran patil at 2011-10-26 05:23 pm
Hello Anton,
As expected it takes some time for Windows guys to get to know about FOSS and how things works in GNU/Linux world. Be persistent and have patience initially, eventually you will become Free to learn this infinite truth.
RE: Please enhance the installation experience
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2011-10-26 05:39 pm
Anton Pham wrote:
After spending almost 24 hours trying to install redmine (without success) i turned over to this project in the hope that the installation experience is easier. But it turns out to be just as difficult.
Well, if you can point out specific parts of the install docs you had trouble with, we could try to improve them. Or you could yourself as the page is a wiki page.
The installation itself currently is at a point where I don't think we can make it easier without making it platform- and even distribution-specific, which we neither have the time or manpower to do, nor are we really inclined to do so as others are much better at that.
First, I admit that i come from a Windows background and therefore do have some certain expectations when installing software. But since I'm new to Linux I'm willing to give it a shot. I' m trying to install on CentOS 6 but from the Installation page there is dependency after dependency - Dependency Hell! And after that there's versioning hell - Take a look at the "Required Ruby Libraries" as an example. On top of all that there's a bunch of warnings and support messages. Simply put I'm lost and totally frustrated since the product looks very promising and it's something that we would like to adopt within our organization.
The "dependency hell" should be taken care of by bundler (the bundle install
step), if this isn't the case for you, please open a ticket and explain the problems you encountered. (as an aside: it was some time ago, but I had a hard time grasping dll stuff on windows, go figure :-) )
Or is there a ChiliProject package that can be installed via yum which can pull all the correct dependencies, versions and make all the necessary configuration changes?
None that I know of.
A frustrated customer.
On that: Sorry to be blunt, but you're not paying anything, so I wouldn't consider you a customer. Member of the community, you're more than welcome to be, even better if it's constructive, but if you think of yourself as a customer, I don't think FOSS is the right thing for you, sorry.
Now, the little rant aside, welcome to the community :-)
RE: Please enhance the installation experience
Added by Anton Pham at 2011-10-27 02:53 pm
Thanks for taking the time to answer. After all we want to improve the product in one way or another.
I think of myself as a consumer of the product (be it paying or not) - And if the spirit of FOSS does not welcome this fact then this project or the FOSS community in general has a problem. After all you are building a useful product for public consumption (and public contribution) and it's not something that's exclusively reserved for technical people.
As for the installation problems, I followed this guide Installation_on_CentOS_5 and at the end it directs me back to the main installation guide, where it failed at the "bundle exec rake generate_session_store" step. Can't remember the error sorry. Not constructive criticism but that's what happened and i gave up.
I finally found one of those Turnkey appliances and got it up and running fairly quickly. So for now I'm up and running and hopefully can contribute something to the project in the future.
RE: Please enhance the installation experience
Added by Felix Schäfer at 2011-10-29 10:14 am
Anton Pham wrote:
I think of myself as a consumer of the product (be it paying or not) - And if the spirit of FOSS does not welcome this fact then this project or the FOSS community in general has a problem. After all you are building a useful product for public consumption (and public contribution) and it's not something that's exclusively reserved for technical people.
Ah, maybe that's a subtlety in the english language I don't get, but in my understanding a customer is someone you provide with services/goods in direct exchange for goods(/money), thus my smallish rant. I can agree on you being a consumer (and welcome you to be :-) ), not on you being a customer. Anyway, no offense taken, no offense meant, topic closed for me.
As for the installation problems, I followed this guide Installation_on_CentOS_5 and at the end it directs me back to the main installation guide, where it failed at the "bundle exec rake generate_session_store" step. Can't remember the error sorry. Not constructive criticism but that's what happened and i gave up.
Be sure to note what stumbling blocks you encounter with the docs in the future, we're happy to try to improve them, but we usually don't stop the "hard parts" right away because it's part of the stuff we do every day and might take for granted.