ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.

We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.


Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Category
1160 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalTo allow issues filtering in history log items by certain item type
1159 ChiliProjectBugNeeds more informationNormalCalendar first day of the week does not respect application settings
1158 ChiliProjectFeatureDeclinedNormalEssai de nouvelle fonctionnalité
1157 ChiliProjectTaskDeclinedNormalБритвы, отчет
1156 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalTo add sums of numeric values when issue list is grouped by some column
1155 ChiliProjectBugDeclinedNormalチャー班作成 間違い探しゲーム
1154 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalmove issue from a project to a subproject
1153 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalAllow multiple (weekly) time logs for one issueTime entries
1152 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalAllow to change the default search settings
1151 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalAllow Search Multiple Issue IDs
1150 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalprovide user-specific email filters
1149 ChiliProjectFeatureReady for reviewNormalNew Hook
1148 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalMonkey patching with acts_as_journalized (development environment)
1147 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalInstalling plugin failes. Expected /var/www/chiliproject/chiliproject/app/models/user.rb to define UserPlugin API
1146 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalCustom integer field where 05 is not always 5kwadronaut .
1145 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalSome Icon Paths are Hardwired
1144 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalconfiguration.yml.example is brokenHolger Just
1143 ChiliProjectFeatureDeclinedNormalMy first issue
1142 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalDarcs repository adapter doesn't work with newer versions (~2.5) of DarcsHolger JustSCM
1141 ChiliProjectBugNeeds more informationNormalFailing TestTesting
1140 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalURL type for custom fieldCustom Fields
1139 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalAdding an observer after creating an issue does not send email to the observerIssue tracking
1138 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalContext menu not working on IE9 or IE10User interface
1137 ChiliProjectBugDeclinedNormalБла бла бла
1136 ChiliProjectBugDeclinedNormalДобавить пользователя в Навижион

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