ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.

We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.


Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Category
1214 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalMysql2::Error: Unknown column 'users.project_id'
1213 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalUseful administration start page
1212 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormaleasy adding new comments to issue
1211 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalto make add new wiki page more intuitiveWikis
1210 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalcan't update - no such file to load -- sqlite_3_serialization_hack
1209 ChiliProjectBugNeeds more informationNormalEmpty "Tickets" panel with custom queriesUser interface
1207 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalsegfault on initial database migration
1206 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalActiveRecord double-escaping `settings` valueFelix Schäfer
1205 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalConnect to Social Media SitesPlugin API
1204 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalTestNirina BoonChiliProject - Organization
1203 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalREST-api with JavaREST API
1202 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalMaintenance Mode
1199 ChiliProjectBugReady for reviewNormalVarious acts_as_journalized bugs plus testsFelix SchäferJournals / History
1198 ChiliProjectBugDuplicateNormalacts_as_journalized generates model classes that aren't unloadableJournals / History
1197 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalLinks to new and existing Pages in chili wikis have the same color. Thats boring.Felix SchäferWikis
1196 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormaltest
1194 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalProblems migrating from chili 2.0.0 to 3.3.0Holger Just
1193 ChiliProjectTaskDeclinedNormalЗадача Тест
1192 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalAdd a CONTRIBUTION documentFelix SchäferDocumentation
1191 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalError in rendering striked text
1190 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalDelete saved query confirmation is not informative but could prevent errorsUser interface
1189 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalAutomatic update of related issues
1188 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalSelecting "Current project and its subprojects" isn't saving.Holger Just
1187 ChiliProjectBugOpenNormalForget to fill in " Reported By " and screenshots get removed .File uploads
1186 ChiliProjectTaskDeclinedNormalPlanification

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