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Option to search over open issues only (Feature #620)

Added by James Robertson at 2011-09-14 05:18 am. Updated at 2011-10-19 12:50 am.

Status:Open Start date:2011-09-14
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Target version:-
Remote issue URL: Affected version:


At the moment search brings back results for both open and closed issues. It would be very helpful to be able to search only over open issues.


Updated by Greg Jastrab at 2011-09-23 03:54 pm

Perhaps this is a documentation issue. If you want to do a keyword search over only open issues, this is currently possible on the Issues tab by doing a custom query to add a filter on Subject containing your keyword search with a Status of Open.

Since the general search already has filters to search against Issues/Changesets/Wiki/Messages it would be a slightly awkward in the UI to add another level of filters underneath if Issues is checked.

Updated by James Robertson at 2011-09-26 04:32 am

Hi Greg

Thanks for the advice but ... I'm pretty sure the Search feature also searches within issue Descriptions, which I don't think can be done using filters.

Also, I'm not suggesting major modifications to the search UI - just a checkbox saying "Open Issues", or similar.

FYI: I'm betting this is a feature many people would find useful. Searching over all tickets, including (potentially) many thousands of closed ones is occasionally useful but searching over just open tickets to find one in 100, whose title you've forgotten, is possibly a more common scenario? [shrug :-]

Updated by Greg Jastrab at 2011-09-26 05:26 pm

Ah if that's the case then you're right - filters alone won't give you what you want. I was only referring to another level of filters since you can do a search without searching over issues, so I'd think an Open Issues checkbox should only appear if they Issues checkbox is checked.

Maybe an alternative is to show a dropdown box only when Issues is checked which has options under it to narrow the search against issues how you want (All / Open / Closed).

Updated by Eric Davis at 2011-10-13 01:37 am

I'd like to propose a different solution.

Instead of modifying how search works, which is used by other modules, what if we add a filter for the issue description? Then you can do: Status is Open and Description contains 'xyz'?

This would also let you do more complex queries using the filters too (status is New, due date is in 7 days, description contains "must release"...etc)

Updated by James Robertson at 2011-10-19 12:50 am

Hi Eric. I think your suggestion is good may also be worth pursuing. But I really like the immediacy/simplicity of just bunging a key word in the search box [me and everyone else who finds Google helpful :-]

I also would expect the search to find my key word in any common text field (ie. at least title and description).

Thanks for taking the time to consider.

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