ChiliProject is not maintained anymore. Please be advised that there will be no more updates.

We do not recommend that you setup new ChiliProject instances and we urge all existing users to migrate their data to a maintained system, e.g. Redmine. We will provide a migration script later. In the meantime, you can use the instructions by Christian Daehn.


Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Category
122 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalUser journal
121 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalGranular admin rightsPermissions
120 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalUpdate the RSS Feed in the Footer of the blogEric DavisChiliProject Blog
119 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalPost Press Release to the BlogEric DavisChiliProject Blog
118 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalScope and release plan 2.0.0Eric DavisChiliProject - Organization
117 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalScope and release plan 1.1.0Eric DavisChiliProject - Organization
116 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenLowMobile CSSTim FelgentreffThemes
115 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalFix rewriting of additional domains to the canonical oneHolger JustChiliProject - Organization
114 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalAccount notifications showing wrong userEric DavisMail Sending
113 ChiliProjectTaskOpenNormalInstall gitolite for hosting the repositoriesMuntek SinghChiliProject - Organization
112 ChiliProjectFeatureClosedNormalProvide a library function to detect the database type usedHolger Just
111 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalProject objective: increase development speed
110 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalWiki macro to track draft pagesWikis
109 ChiliProjectBugClosedNormalBackport fix to display full TOC with present < p r e > tagsEric DavisWikis
108 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalActivate Keep-Alive for Apache in MoonshineEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
107 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalFeedback on Why ForkEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
106 ChiliProjectTaskOpenNormalMotivate companies to engage in ChiliProject
104 ChiliProjectFeatureClosedNormalAdd email header for the type of messageFelix SchäferMail Sending
103 - Add link/menu item to the BlogEric Davis
102 - Add link/menu item to the DemoEric Davis
101 ChiliProjectFeatureClosedNormalChange the Help link to point to the ChiliProject siteEric DavisDocumentation
100 ChiliProjectTaskOpenNormalHow to review and discuss new potential committersEric DavisChiliProject - Organization
99 ChiliProjectTaskOpenNormalGPG key for the security listChiliProject - Organization
98 ChiliProjectFeatureOpenNormalVoting
97 ChiliProjectTaskClosedNormalSetting up CI ServerChiliProject - Organization

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