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macro that lists the children of the current page (Feature #628)

Added by Ruben Willems at 2011-09-17 05:17 am. Updated at 2011-09-17 12:03 pm.

Status:Closed Start date:2011-09-17
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Target version:-
Remote issue URL: Affected version:2.2.0


In my wiki I use the breadcrumbs a lot, so I have a hierarchy in my wiki. I find it handy to give an overview of subpages from within the wiki for easier navigation.
I have a page SourceControlBlocks, with some explanation. And each SourcControlBlock has its own page, svn, cvs, git, ...
In each of these pages (cvs, svn, git) I set the parent page (via the rename option) to the Sourcecontrolblocks page.
If I want to give an overview of what source control blocks are supported, I must manually make a list, and keep this up to date.

A big time saver would be a macro that can create links to the children of the current page something like :

this would generate:

I'm woking on CCNet so you can have a look at for an example


Updated by Holger Just at 2011-09-17 09:35 am

There is the !

macro which roughly does what you want. To quote the documentation from the !Use '{{ variables | to_list: "Variables:" }}' to see all Liquid variables and '{{ tags | to_list: "Tags:" }}' to see all of the Liquid tags.:

child_pages: Displays a list of child pages. With no argument, it displays the child pages of the current wiki page.


 -- can be used from a wiki page only
Liquid error: No such page 'Foo'
-- lists all children of page Foo !
Liquid error: No such page 'Foo'
-- same as above with a link to page Foo

Does this solve your issue?

  • Status changed from Open to Needs more information

Updated by Ruben Willems at 2011-09-17 12:03 pm

works like a charm
and thanks for the tip about the macro_list command !

  • Status changed from Needs more information to Closed

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